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“Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another”

Napoleon Hill

Ada, E, Perktaş, U & Gür, H (2015). Asia Minor: A pleasant refuge during tough times. 2nd Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium. Ankara, TURKEY. 6-7 August

Uluar, O, Elverici, C, Ada, E & Perktaş, U (2015). The Pleistocene History of A Passerine Bird Species: Phylogeography and Ecological Niche Modeling of the Blackcap.  2nd Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium. Ankara, TURKEY. 6-7 August 2015.

Perktaş, U & Gür, H (2015). Historical demography of European green woodpecker: an evidence of extra-Mediterranean refugia. AOU/COS Meeting, the University of Oklahoma, USA. 29 July - 1 August 2015.

Gür H & Perktaş U (2014). Understanding past climate-driven range shifts and demographic events: the story of Anatolian ground squirrels. The 5th European Ground Squirrel Meeting. Rust, AUSTRIA. 02-05 October.

Ada, E, Perktaş, U & Gür, H (2014). Biogeography of Turkish populations of yellow-necked field mice using ecological niche modelling. 1st Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium. İstanbul, TURKEY. 12-13 July 2014.

Perktaş, U, Gür, H & Peterson, AT (2014). Enhanced phylogeographic information of the Green Woodpecker and the Acorn Woodpecker. Evolution MeetingRaleigh Convention Center, Raleigh, NC, USA. 20-24 June 2014

Perktaş, U (2014). Phylogeographic studies of widespread woodpeckers in the Palearctic region: how does climate change affect demographic history of two woodpecker species? 7th International Conference of Woodpeckers: Woodpeckers in a Changing World. Vitoria-Gasteiz. Spain. 23-26 February 2014.

Perktas, U, Barrowclough GF & Groth, JG (2012). Phylogeny, Phylogoegraphy and Species Limits in the Turacos (Musophagidae). 5th North American Ornithology Conference. 14-18 August 2012. Vancouver, CANADA.

Perktaş U, Quintero E & Gür, H (2012). Once Upon A Time in Anatolia: Population History of the Anatolian Nuthatch (S. krueperi). 5th North American Ornithology Conference. 14-18 August 2012. Vancouver, CANADA.

Perktaş, U & Quintero, E (2011). Phylogeography and species limits in the great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopos major. Advances in Biogeography - Early Career Conference. Society of the International Biogeography. 21-22 Eylül 2011. Oxford, UK.

Perktaş, U, Barrowclough, GF & Groth, JG (2010). Phylogeography and the Pleistocene History of the Grreen Woodpecker Complex (Picus viridis). 128. AOU Meeting. San Diego, USA. (Abstract Book)

Perktaş, U (2008). Ecogeographic Correlates of Morphometric Variation in the Common Chaffinch. 126. AOU Meeting, Portland, USA.

Perktaş, U (2008). Geographic Size Variation of the Chaffinch (Abstract). EGI Student Ornithology Conference, University of Oxford, UK.


Perktaş, U (2006). Morphometric variation in chaffinch populations in Western Palearctic: is size adaptive? (Abstract). XII European Meeting of Ph.D. Students in Evolutionary Biology (EMPSEB). 04-09 September 2006. St. Andrews, UK.

Perktaş, U, Albayrak, AB, Ayaş, Z & Gosler, AG (2006). Passerine bird diversity of Turkey: The evaluation of geographic variation of some Fringillidae members. 24th International Ornithological Congress, 13-19 August 2006, Hamburg, Germany.


Perktaş, U, Albayrak, AB & Ayaş, Z (2004). The Evaluation of Some Key Wetlands for Waterfowls in Central Anatolia, Turkey. (Abstract). Waterbirds Around the World. A global review of the conservation, management and research of the world’s major flyways. 3-8 April 2004, Edinburgh, UK.


Perktaş, U (2004). A proposal for some breeding Shrike Populations in Turkey. (Abstract) Student Conference on Conservation Science. 24-26 March 2004, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge.


Perktaş, U (2003). Breeding Shrike Populations in Turkey: the relationship between habitat preference and body mass. 4th Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union. Chemnitz, Germany 16-21 August 2003. Die Vogelwarte. 42(1-2): 39.


Perktaş, U, Albayrak, AB & Ayaş, Z (2003). The Evaluation of Some Key Wetlands for Waterfowls in Central Anatolia, Türkiye. (Abstract). 4th Conference Aquatic Birds Working Group of Societas Internationalis Limnologiae (SIL). 3-7 August 2003, Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada.


Perktaş, U, Albayrak, AB & Ayaş, Z (2003). The Evaluation of Some Key Wetlands for Waterfowls in Central Anatolia, Türkiye. (Abstract). Student Conference on Conservation Science. 26-28 March 2003, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge.

Perktaş, U & Peterson, AT (2015). Kuzey Afrika İspinozlarında Tür Sınırları. XII. Ulusal Ekoloji ve Çevre Kongresi. Muğla. 14-17 Eylül 2015.

Gür, H, Kankılıç, T, Perktaş, U & Kart Gür, M (2015). Anadolu yer sincabının vücut büyüklüğünde ve nötral DNA belirteçlerinde populasyonlar arası farklılaşma örüntüleri. XII. Ulusal Ekoloji ve Çevre Kongresi. Muğla. 14-17 Eylül 2015

Perktaş, U & Gür, H (2013). İklim Değişiminin Etkisi ile İlgili Alternatif Biyocoğrafi Senaryolar Üretme ve Test Etme: Bir Zamanlar Anadolu. XI. Ulusal Ekoloji ve Çevre Kongresi. Samsun, TÜRKİYE. 1-4 Ekim 2013.

Gür, H & Perktaş, U (2013). Geleceği Öngörmek için Geçmişi Anlamak: Anadolu Yer Sincabının Hikayesi. XI. Ulusal Ekoloji ve Çevre Kongresi. Samsun, TÜRKİYE. 1-4 Ekim 2013.

Perktaş, U, Ayaş, Z & Gosler, AG (2006). Kuş çalışmalarında ölçüm hatasının önemi: Temel bileşenler analizi ve kuşlarda vücut büyüklüğünün değerlendirilmesi üzerine kısa bir tartışma. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi. 26-30 Haziran 2006.

National Meetings
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